Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Not sure if this is where I am supposed to post this assignment thing but I can't figure out how to post it on wiki so here goes...

Rohana Macauley 11333423
Assignment Posting 1


CSUPharma is a publicly listed company who, after two years trials and testing and three years previous clinical trial, is working with the media in the aim of healthy lifestyle for Australian citizen’s and residents.
Specifically, CSUPharma are undergoing launches in the aim of getting a new diabetes type two drug on the PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme).

Cases of type two diabetes have risen from four percent of the population to seven and a half percent since 1996 and Australian Medical Association statistics suggest “for every person diagnosed in the community there is a person who remains undiagnosed” (www.ama.com/diabetes/fac).
The majority of sufferers of diabetes (85 to 90%) have type two and 50% of women who are diagnosed with gestational diabetes go on to develop type two diabetes in their later years.

Research by Diabetes Australia has shown that the best treatment and prevention of type two diabetes (which is strongly linked to unhealthy lifestyle factors such as obesity) is to lead a healthy lifestyle, eating low GI foods and doing regular exercise.
However, more and more sufferers are needing further treatment that can only be reached through the aids of medications, and in some cases, through the aid of insulin, both of which can be very expensive.

CSUPharma , given the rising statistics of the disease and associated lifestyles (such as obesity) are attempting to market this new product to ensure that Australian citizen’s can easily access the new drug and reduce the rapidly rising statistics.

• Australia’s rising statistics of type two diabetes (almost doubling in approximately 10 years www.diabetesaustralia.gov.au)
• The increased reliance on medications and even insulin in order to correctly manage the disease, even though it was previously known as non-insulin diabetes.
• Difficulty in campaigning to gain entry to the PBS.
• Issues that are posed by our active publics; mainly Healthy Skepticism.
• Also, timing issues in light of the upcoming federal government election.


• Australian consumer media
• Australian trade media (i.e. those within the health and pharmaceutical industry’s such as Healthy Skepticism, Australian Health Consumer, Australian Medicine).
• Specifically, members of Healthy Skepticism as they are such an active audience in this field.
• Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee ( as they will be the final decision makers)
• Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.

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